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The Value of Fair Treatment in the Workplace AD

Explain the EAW doctrine and all exceptions to the doctrine. Look at the scenarios below and determine whether the decision to fire the employee is a smart one. Identify why or why not, and determine all the possible exceptions per the EAW doctrine that are, might be, or could be applicable if the employee sues for wrongful termination.

Brenda, a manager, started a blog on the company website for employee grievances. She noticed that a worker was protesting that no Asian American employees had gotten a raise in two years at the company. The worker also criticized how much the CEO made and how the CEO was “out of touch.” Brenda reprimanded the worker. The next day, the worker talked to fellow co-workers about forming a union. Brenda subsequently fired the worker.
Jason, a department supervisor, requests approval to fire his secretary, Alice. Alice, a devout Christian, has been putting Right-to-Life flyers in the employee breakroom. Alice is also taking time out to pray each day during the busiest time of the morning.
Brian, the head of the accounting department, refused to sign Lori’s leave request for jury duty. Lori is a tax attorney in his department. Brian wants to fire Lori for being absent without permission during their busiest time—tax season.

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