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2. Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric must match exactly). a. Introduction (10 points/10%) • Establishes purpose of the paper • Captures the attention of the reader b. Article Summary (30 points/30%) • Statistics to support the significance of the topic to mental health care • Key points of the article • Key evidence presented • Examples of how the evidence can be incorporated into your nursing practice c. Article Critique (30 points/30%) • Present strengths of the article • Present weaknesses of the article • Discuss if you would/would not recommend this article to a colleague d. Conclusion (15 points/15%) • Provides analysis or synthesis of information within the body of the text • Supported by ides presented in the body of the paper • Is clearly written e. Article Selection and Approval (5 points/5%) • Current (published in last 5 years) • Relevant to mental health care • Not used by another student within the clinical group • Submitted and approved as directed by instructor f. APA format and Writing Mechanics (10 points/10%)

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