Perfect Essay Writing Services 2022

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As I was reading the chapter entitled, “Equipping Teachers,” a friend called to ask what I was doing. When I told her about this chapter, this long-time Bible class teacher said three startling words, “Never had one” [a teachers meeting]. The congregation where she worships and teaches is one of the oldest in our state, but in her 30-ish years of teaching, she had never had the opportunity to benefit from a teacher’s meeting. Her next words? “I want them. I need direction; I need goals.” This lady is the kind of teacher every educational director wants in a classroom: dedicated, knowledgeable about the Bible and how to teach, and attentive to the needs of her students. She has sought out resources, studied each lesson diligently, and purchased and prepared materials all on her own. I wonder how much more she could do if leadership provided the support good teacher training offers.

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