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marketing operations fundamentals

1a) A competitive priority that The Clorox Company has is its quality of products. Clorox started as a one product company for over 50 years as they just sold bleach. Now, they have a very wide variety of quality cleaning and disinfecting products that can be found in 69% of US homes ( The ability for Clorox to have a very wide variety of products has allowed them to own a majority in sales in the US and around the world for the go to cleaning supply company. According to Simply Safe Dividends, “Clorox has more than 20% market share in its addressable markets and is around three times the size of its next largest branded competitor”. When a company has that much of the market share they are the clear go to brand for all of these supplies. Another competitive priority and advantage Clorox has taken pride in is their use of technology to continue in innovating new products to make the cleaning process easier. Using technology they have been able to reach customers and find what they want and need. As Clorox continues to expand as a company and acquire different brands they still focus on their largest products which have created the most revenue. Having these priorities has created a sense of focus for Clorox as they have been around for over 100 years and always focus on their quality to ensure their customers are satisfied with the “face of cleaning products”. Clorox will continue their operation to a global scale to increase revenue especially as they diversify and expand their product line.

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