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…Geography is to space what history is to time. It is a spatial way of

thinking, a science with distinctive methods and tools, a body of knowledge

about places, and a set of information technologies that have been around

for centuries. Geography is about understanding people and places and how

real-world places function in a viscerally organic sense. It’s about

understanding spatial distributions and interpreting what they mean. It’s

about using technology to study, in the words of the late professor J.

Rowland Illick, “why people do what they do where they do it.” Geography is

a dimensional science, based on spatial logic in which locations, flows, and

spatial associations are considered to be primary evidence of earth

processes, both physical and cultural. Its hallmarks are spatial analysis,

place-based research (e.g., regional, area, and urban studies) and

scientific integration.2

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1Joint Chief of Staff, Geospatial Intelligence in Joint Operations: JP 2-03

(2012), IV-9.

2Jerome E. Dobson, “Bring Back Geography!” ArcNews Online by ESRI (Spring



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